Case Study: Shay Carl Butler @ Shaytards 案例研究:Shay Carl Butler @ Shaytards

Shay Carl Butler is an OG YouTuber who has been on the platform basically since the beginning. He was one of the first to make money from ad revenue. “I became a YouTube Partner in February 2008, and got my first YPP AdSense check April 24, 2008, in the amount of $367.40 for a month’s worth of videos,” said Shay on (“ShayCarl’s Epic Journey to YouTube Stardom” by Michael Hum-phrey). “I could not believe that I was actually getting money for ‘entertaining.’ I knew that my family couldn’t live on less than $400 bucks a month, but the wheels in my head were turning. I immersed myself into YouTube.” Shay quit his granite countertop business, became a weekend DJ to make ends meet, and the rest is history.

Shay Carl Butler是YouTuber的元老,基本上是从平台刚开始就是活跃的创作者。他是最早通过广告收入赚钱的人之一。“我在2008年2月成为YouTube合作伙伴,于2008年4月24日收到了我的第一张YPP AdSense支票,金额为367.40美元,得益于一个月的视频内容创作,”Shay在http://Forbes.com上说(Michael Humphrey的“ShayCarl’s Epic Journey to YouTube Stardom”)。他表示:“我简直不敢相信我真的因为‘娱乐’而得到了钱。我知道我的家庭无法靠每月不到400美元的收入生活,但我的脑子开始快速运转。我完全投身于YouTube。”Shay退出了自己的花岗岩台面生意,成为周末DJ来维持生计,其余的都成为历史。

Forbes called Shay one of the “most successful video entrepreneurs on YouTube.” This is the guy who had been a door-to-door salesman, school bus driver, MLM guy, countertop installer, radio DJ, and college dropout because he could never find a parking spot. Now he is the guy who has sold a company with his partners to Disney for $500 million. All because of YouTube. Side note: Shay would be the coolest bus driver in the history of all bus drivers!


Case Study: Ryan Kaji @ Ryan’s World 案例研究:Ryan Kaji @ Ryan's World

Forbes 2019 list of YouTube’s highest paid creators carries a hefty collective sum (and the list isn’t totally accurate, because some creators, like MrBeast, don’t publicize their earnings). The numbers are mind-blowing, but the list is an eye-opener for those who don’t comprehend the opportunity for growth here. Take YouTube child star Ryan Kaji, for example. His channel started as Ryan Toys Review and has since become Ryan’s World. His “unboxing” videos shot him to YouTube stardom—in its first five years, Ryan’s channels amassed more than 40 billion views collectively. Forbes listed Ryan’s channel as #1 with $26 million in total revenue for 2019. But the ad revenue from the channel isn’t their only stream of income. In fact, it’s not even their greatest source of income. Let that fact settle into your brain for a second. Their ad revenue falls in the tens of millions of dollars . . . and it’s not their greatest source of income. YouTube opened the door to a world of opportunities for Ryan and his family, and the same can be true for every other YouTube creator or business.

2019年Forbes关于YouTube最高收入创作者的榜单收入加起来是一笔非常可观的金额(而且该榜单并非完全准确,因为像MrBeast这样的创作者并不公开他们的收入)。这些数字令人震惊,对于那些不理解这些增长机会的人来说,这个榜单是个启示。以YouTube童星Ryan Kaji为例。他的频道最初名为Ryan Toys Review,后来成为Ryan's World。他的“开箱”视频使他一举成名,仅在前五年,Ryan的频道共积累了超过400亿次观看。Forbes将Ryan的频道列为2019年总收入2600万美元的第一名。但频道的广告收入并非他们唯一的收入来源,事实上,它甚至不是他们最大的收入来源。让这个事实在你的脑海中沉淀片刻。他们的广告收入达到几千万美元……而这并非他们最大的收入来源。YouTube为Ryan和他的家人打开了一扇通往机会世界的大门,对于每个YouTube创作者来说都是可以变成现实的。