今天分享的是【2023年YouTube网网电视CTV视频广告宣传报告(英文版)】 报告出品方:Pixability

Food & Drink Space Grew38%In 2022 Reaching687B Views

Food & Drink views slowed in 2020 in the midstof the coVID-19 pandemic (206B views vs 242Bin 2019).In 2021, the Food & Drink space soaredpast view counts in both 2019 and 2020, reaching498B views. The Food & Drink space grew 38% in2022 and reached 687B views.

Comparing to Video Gaming, which has also seen1T views from 2022-2023 YTD, Food & Drink isgrowing faster. Video Gaming only grew 12% YoYfrom 2021-2022