






推特在今天发布的推文中表示:“我们认为,人们有权知道,一个媒体账户是否直接或间接与某个国家行为体有关联。” 这家社交媒体巨头还表示,它将不再“通过我们的推荐系统(包括首页时间轴、通知和搜索)放大国有媒体账户或其推文”。





Twitter还宣布,它将为政府官员的Twitter账户添加标签,包括@10DowningStreet(唐宁街)和@WhiteHouse(白宫), 这些账号不会受到官方媒体推荐系统变更的影响。




Twitter labels 'state-affiliated' news outlets and journalists amid concerns over Russian and Chinese government influence

By William Turvill

Twitter has started flagging up “state-affiliated” media and journalists to let users know where governments may exercise control over editorial content.

Russia’s RT and Sputnik are among the first to have been labelled, in addition to China Xinhua News.

“We believe that people have the right to know when a media account is affiliated directly or indirectly with a state actor,” Twitter said in a blog published today.

The social media giant also said it would no longer “amplify state-affiliated media accounts or their tweets through our recommendation systems including on the home timeline, notifications, and search”.

Twitter stated that news groups that are state-financed, but editorially independent – like the BBC in the UK and NPR in the US – would not be affected.

The blog said: “State-affiliated media is defined as outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures, and/or control over production and distribution.

“Unlike independent media, state-affiliated media frequently use their news coverage as a means to advance a political agenda.”

Twitter said that journalists linked to state-affiliated media would also be labelled. For example, as well as @RT_com being flagged as “Russia state-affiliated media”, its editor in chief is also labelled as such.

Twitter also announced that it would be adding labels to the Twitter accounts of government officials including @10DowningStreet and @WhiteHouse. These accounts will not be affected by affected by the recommendation system changes being imposed on state-affiliated media.