关于TikTok Scraper
TikTok Scraper是一款针对TikTok的数据收集工具,该工具可以帮助广大用户从TikTok快速收集和下载各种有用的信息,其中包括视频、趋势、标签、音乐、feed和URL等元数据。
值得一提的是,作为一个纯数据爬取工具,该工具不需要进行登录或设置密码,因为TikTok Scraper使用了TikTok Web API来收集媒体信息和相关元数据。
注意:当前版本的TikTok Scraper不支持无水印下载视频。
5、使用签名URL向TikTok API发送自定义请求
TikTok Scraper要求本地设备安装并配置好Node.js v10+环境。
npm i -g tiktok-scraper
yarn global add tiktok-scraper
$ tiktok-scraper --help Usage: tiktok-scraper <command> [options] Commands: tiktok-scraper user [id] Scrape videos from username. Enter only username tiktok-scraper hashtag [id] Scrape videos from hashtag. Enter hashtag without # tiktok-scraper trend Scrape posts from current trends tiktok-scraper music [id] Scrape posts from a music id number tiktok-scraper history View previous download history tiktok-scraper from-file [file] [async] Scrape users, hashtags, music, videos mentioned in a file. 1 value per 1 line Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --session Set session cookie value. Sometimes session can be helpful when scraping data from any method [default: ""] --session-file Set path to the file with list of active sessions. One session per line! [default: ""] --timeout Set timeout between requests. Timeout is in Milliseconds: 1000 mls = 1 s [default: 0] --number, -n Number of posts to scrape. If you will set 0 then all posts will be scraped [default: 0] --since Scrape no posts published before this date (timestamp). If set to 0 the filter is deactived [default: 0] --proxy, -p Set single proxy [default: ""] --proxy-file Use proxies from a file. Scraper will use random proxies from the file per each request. 1 line 1 proxy. [default: ""] --download, -d Download video posts to the folder with the name input [id] [boolean] [default: false] --asyncDownload, -a Number of concurrent downloads [default: 5] --hd Download video in HD. Video size will be x5-x10 times larger and this will affect scraper execution speed. This option only works in combination with -w flag [boolean] [default: false] --zip, -z ZIP all downloaded video posts [boolean] [default: false] --filepath File path to save all output files. [default: "/Users/karl.wint/Documents/projects/javascript/tiktok-scraper"] --filetype, -t Type of the output file where post information will be saved. 'all' - save information about all posts to the` 'json' and 'csv' [choices: "csv", "json", "all", ""] [default: ""] --filename, -f Set custom filename for the output files [default: ""] --store, -s Scraper will save the progress in the OS TMP or Custom folder and in the future usage will only download new videos avoiding duplicates [boolean] [default: false] --historypath Set custom path where history file/files will be stored [default: "/var/folders/d5/fyh1_f2926q7c65g7skc0qh80000gn/T"] --remove, -r Delete the history record by entering "TYPE:INPUT" or "all" to clean all the history. For example: user:bob [default: ""] --webHookUrl Set webhook url to receive scraper result as HTTP requests. For example to your own API [default: ""] --method Receive data to your webhook url as POST or GET request [choices: "GET", "POST"] [default: "POST"] --help Show help [boolean]
tiktok-scraper user USERNAME -d -n 100 --session sid_tt=dae32131231 tiktok-scraper trend -d -n 100 --session sid_tt=dae32131231 tiktok-scraper hashtag HASHTAG_NAME -d -n 100 --session sid_tt=dae32131231 tiktok-scraper music MUSIC_ID -d -n 50 --session sid_tt=dae32131231 tiktok-scraper video https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktok/video/6807491984882765062 -d tiktok-scraper history tiktok-scraper history -r user:bob tiktok-scraper history -r all tiktok-scraper from-file BATCH_FILE ASYNC_TASKS -d
从用户{USERNAME}爬取300条视频帖子,并将帖子元数据保存至CSV(-t csv)文件中:
tiktok-scraper user USERNAME -n 300 -t csv --session sid_tt=asdasd13123123123adasda Output: CSV path: /bla/blah/USERNAME_1552945544582.csv
从哈希标签{HASHTAG_NAME}爬取100条帖子数据,下载(-d)并保存为ZIP(-z)文档,将帖子元数据保存为JSON和CSV文件(-t all):
tiktok-scraper hashtag HASHTAG_NAME -n 100 -d -z -t all --session sid_tt=asdasd13123123123adasda Output: ZIP path: /bla/blah/HASHTAG_NAME_1552945659138.zip JSON path: /bla/blah/HASHTAG_NAME_1552945659138.json CSV path: /bla/blah/HASHTAG_NAME_1552945659138.csv
从趋势部分爬取50条帖子,下载(-d)并保存为ZIP(-z)文档,将帖子元数据保存为CSV文件(-t csv):
tiktok-scraper trend -n 50 -d -z -t csv --session sid_tt=asdasd13123123123adasda Output: ZIP path: /bla/blah/trend_1552945659138.zip CSV path: /bla/blah/tend_1552945659138.csv
从指定音乐ID爬取100条帖子,下载(-d)并保存为ZIP(-z)文档,将帖子元数据保存为CSV文件(-t csv):
tiktok-scraper music MUSICID -n 100 -d -z -t csv --session sid_tt=asdasd13123123123adasda Output: ZIP path: /bla/blah/music_1552945659138.zip CSV path: /bla/blah/music_1552945659138.csv
tiktok-scraper user USERNAME -n 20 -d -s --session sid_tt=asdasd13123123123adasda Output: Folder Path: /User/Bob/Downloads/USERNAME
tiktok-scraper history
tiktok-scraper history -r TYPE:INPUT tiktok-scraper history -r user:tiktok tiktok-scraper history -r hashtag:summer tiktok-scraper history -r trend
tiktok-scraper hashtag summer -s -d -n 10 --historypath /Blah/Blah/Blah
tiktok-scraper history -r all
## User feed by username <---- this is just a comment and hence it is not important tiktok charlidamelio sam bob ## User feed by user id id:12312312312 ## Hashtag feed #love #summer #story ## Music feed music:3242234234 music:46646 music:23423424234 ## Single Videos. Each video will be downloaded without the watermark https://www.tiktok.com/@shalisavdlaan/video/6788483055796391173 https://www.tiktok.com/@officialsaarx/video/6785180623263911174 https://www.tiktok.com/@dominos_nl/video/6786669305623842053 https://www.tiktok.com/@jessiejikki/video/6620697278451551493 https://www.tiktok.com/@.one_man_army/video/6798822211307310338
{ headers: { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.80 Safari/537.36', referer: 'https://www.tiktok.com/', cookie: 'tt_webid_v2=689854141086886123' }, collector:[{ id: 'VIDEO_ID', text: 'CAPTION', createTime: '1583870600', authorMeta:{ id: 'USER ID', name: 'USERNAME', following: 195, fans: 43500, heart: '1093998', video: 3, digg: 95, verified: false, private: false, signature: 'USER BIO', avatar:'AVATAR_URL' }, musicMeta:{ musicId: '6808098113188120838', musicName: 'blah blah', musicAuthor: 'blah', musicOriginal: true, playUrl: 'SOUND/MUSIC_URL', }, covers:{ default: 'COVER_URL', origin: 'COVER_URL', dynamic: 'COVER_URL' }, imageUrl:'IMAGE_URL', videoUrl:'VIDEO_URL', videoUrlNoWaterMark:'VIDEO_URL_WITHOUT_THE_WATERMARK', videoMeta: { width: 480, height: 864, ratio: 14, duration: 14 }, diggCount: 2104, shareCount: 1, playCount: 9007, commentCount: 50, mentions: ['@bob', '@sam', '@bob_again', '@and_sam_again'], hashtags: [{ id: '69573911', name: 'PlayWithLife', title: 'HASHTAG_TITLE', cover: [Array] }...], downloaded: true }...], //If {filetype} and {download} options are enbabled then: zip: '/{CURRENT_PATH}/user_1552963581094.zip', json: '/{CURRENT_PATH}/user_1552963581094.json', csv: '/{CURRENT_PATH}/user_1552963581094.csv' }
{ secUid: 'MS4wLjABAAAAv7iSuuXDJGDvJkmH_vz1qkDZYo1apxgzaxdBSeIuPiM', userId: '107955', isSecret: false, uniqueId: 'tiktok', nickName: 'TikTok', signature: 'Make Your Day', covers: ['COVER_URL'], coversMedium: ['COVER_URL'], following: 490, fans: 38040567, heart: '211522962', video: 93, verified: true, digg: 29, }
{ challengeId: '4231', challengeName: 'love', text: '', covers: [], coversMedium: [], posts: 66904972, views: '194557706433', isCommerce: false, splitTitle: '' }
{ headers: { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.80 Safari/537.36', referer: 'https://www.tiktok.com/', cookie: 'tt_webid_v2=689854141086886123' }, collector:[{ id: '6807491984882765062', text: 'We’re kicking off the #happyathome live stream series today at 5pm PT!', createTime: '1584992742', authorMeta: { id: '6812221792183403526', name: 'blah' }, musicMeta:{ musicId: '6822233276137213677', musicName: 'blah', musicAuthor: 'blah' }, imageUrl: 'IMAGE_URL', videoUrl: 'VIDEO_URL', videoUrlNoWaterMark: 'VIDEO_URL_WITHOUT_THE_WATERMARK', videoMeta: { width: 480, height: 864, ratio: 14, duration: 14 }, covers:{ default: 'COVER_URL', origin: 'COVER_URL' }, diggCount: 49292, shareCount: 339, playCount: 614678, commentCount: 4023, downloaded: false, hashtags: [], }] }
{ music: { id: '6882925279036066566', title: 'doja x calabria', playUrl: 'dfdfdfdf', coverThumb: 'dfdfdf', coverMedium: 'dfdfdf', coverLarge: 'fdfdf', authorName: 'bryce', original: true, playToken: 'ffdfdf', keyToken: 'dfdfdfd', audioURLWithcookie: false, private: false, duration: 46, album: '', }, author: { id: '6835300004094166021', uniqueId: 'mashupsbybryce', nickname: 'bryce', avatarThumb: 'dfdfd', avatarMedium: 'dfdfdf', avatarLarger: 'dfdfdf', signature: 'hi ily :)\n70k sounds cool tbh\nfollow my soundcloud & insta', verified: false, secUid: 'MS4wLjABAAAA1_5bjLAamayD4rv3q49qJGa_7dZ5jzExTO0ozOybqIwwhw5TAg_iM25lkO94DM3K', secret: false, ftc: false, relation: 0, openFavorite: false, commentSetting: 0, duetSetting: 0, stitchSetting: 0, privateAccount: false, }, stats: { videoCount: 361700 }, shareMeta: { title: 'bryceyouloser | ♬ doja x calabria | on TikTok', desc: '361.0k videos - Watch awesome short ' + 'videos created with ♬ doja x calabria', }, };
TikTok Scraper:【GitHub传送门】