Consumer Electronics Facebook Playbook 2.0 1 2020Facebook2.0FacebookARMicson Kwong 2020 Facebook 2.0 Facebook AR Facebook CBO Facebook Collaborative Ads Always-On  Messenger  Messenger Branded Content Ads / KOL AR Ads AR Facebook Live Playable Ads  Facebook Shops  Facebook  Facebook Content Introduction Consumer Behaviour Shift & Accelerated Digital Transformation 3 Importance of Digitalisation Digital media ROI surpasses traditional media 7 Facebook - your best partner in going global 12 Playbook 2.0 Tips for Building a Successful Campaign on Facebook 16 Planning Consideration – Full Funnel 23 Media Guide on Facebook 27 Facebook Solutions Buying Type 30 Solve for a Business Objective 38 Targeting 44 Ad Formats 49 Creative Best Practices 54 Measurement 58 New Solution Commerce 70 Collaborative Ads Branded Content Ads Facebook Shops Innovative 84 AR Ads Playable Ads \ ? Messenger Facebook Live Cross Border Business – Best Practice on Localisation 109 Launch Check List 122 Useful Resources 124 01 Introduction 4 Consumer Behaviour Shift & Accelerated Digital Transformation Source: COVID-19: Fast-changing Consumer Behavior, Accenture 2 Comscore blog: In-home data usage increases during coronavirus pandemic, March 2020 Coronavirus is affecting the routines and habits of people and how businesses serve those communities around the world, changing everything from the day-to-day lives of individuals to global supply chains. The COVID-19 outbreak is also affecting digital and device behaviour. Mobile phone data usage in the US increased over 50% in March, compared to 2019.2 Now more than ever, businesses must meet their customer needs and understand the impact being driven by Facebook and other marketing partners. Focus on simplifying your strategy and continue to utilize measurement strategies (such as lift testing) to understand overall marketing impact, and make optimisations as usual. Brands that have made digital their top priorit