

1、《Ravenwood Fair》(模拟经营类游戏)

这款游戏由知名游戏设计师John Romero 和Brenda Brathwaite联手打造。玩家在游戏中要开垦荒地来种植植物和建设城市。但其实真正的拓荒者应该是勇敢的熊宝贝们,是它们在这片闹鬼的森林里建造了游乐场。游戏的挑战在于建立起游乐场后还要吸引游客及防御怪物的袭击。如果游客受到恶鬼或怪物的惊吓,玩家还要好好安慰他们。不用说,Ravenwood Fair的入场费可比迪士尼乐园的便宜多啦!

2、《Empires & Allies》(回合制策略游戏)

该游戏是Zynga新作,其玩法以岛屿的防御和攻占为中心,与Zynga之前推出的游戏(《Mafia Wars 》除外)相比,多少会有一点血腥。除了主体游戏,玩家还可以攻击朋友的领土。

3、《Millionaire City 》(模拟建造/经营游戏)


4、《It Girl》(模拟养成游戏)

《It Girl》不是“eat girl”,所以不要以为这款游戏是关于一个栖身于下水道的食人恶婆婆。在游戏中,玩家的任务是把女孩打扮得最时髦、最前卫。 Facebook 好友就是玩家的时尚圈。好友越多、玩家就越受欢迎。也许这看起来有一点肤浅,但如果能在聚会上晒晒自己的Gucci(意大利时装品牌,以高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世)包包,何乐而不为呢?

5、《Tetris Battle 》(益智游戏)


6、《Mafia Wars》(角色扮演游戏)

没人能否认《Mafia Wars》的长盛不衰。Facebook确实提供了滋生黑帮和暴民的土壤。玩家在这里夺财、掠地、争权。如果你的威信足够,你的朋友会坚定地站在你身后支持你。这不是在TGIF(游戏邦注:即twitter、google、iphone和facebook的首字母缩写)上的聚餐,但论乐趣也差不多如此。

7、《Zombie Lane》(角色扮演游戏)

在该游戏中,玩家要重建几乎被僵尸包围破坏的小镇。一开始,玩家只有一把可怜的铲子,但之后武器会不断升级,不然怎么爆僵尸的脑袋呢?此外,你还可以通过种植获得精力和完成其他任务。《Zombie Lane》提供了相当丰富的玩法,使普通社交游戏任务的沉闷感一扫而空。

8、《Restaurant City》(模拟经营游戏)



The 10 Best Social Games

By Nadia Oxford

ShareSocial games for Facebook and other social networks are offered in an impressive assortment of colors and flavors. You can tend to your farm, build yourself a city, pick at a puzzle, fend off zombies, or crush your enemies and hear the lamentations of their women.

Got some spare time and a Facebook account? Here are ten of the best free social games currently available. Grab a friend, grab a drink, and have fun.

Ravenwood Fair (Simulation) — It’s one thing to clear the wilderness to plant crops and build cities, but the real pioneers of our time are the brave bears and racoons who blaze the haunted forests to build fairgrounds. Ravenwood Fair, developed by noted game designers John Romero and Brenda Brathwaite, challenges you to erect a fair and attract visitors while fending off monster attacks. If a visitor is frightened by a ghost or a monster, you must comfort him or her. Needless to say, admission to the Ravenwood Fair costs less than Disneyland.

Empires & Allies (Turn-Based Strategy) — Zynga’s latest offering is, unsurprisingly, a tremendous hit. The gameplay for Empire & Allies revolves around island defense and conquering, meaning the game’s a bit more bloodthirsty than some of Zynga’s previous titles (Mafia Wars being the obvious exception). Aside from the main game, you can attack your friends’ lands and settle beer money issues with the blood of a thousand cartoon armies.

Millionaire City (Building/Business Simulator) — Millionaire City is a city-building social game that’s seasoned with a dash of aggressive gameplay. You must lay out your city, manage property, and grab more property when it’s opportune. You can also earn achievements, and, of course, you can visit your friends’ cities and laugh at the impotent pile of concrete that will never thrive under their flabby-fisted rule.

It Girl (Life Simulator) — It Girl is not a game about a child-eating clown-woman that skulks in sewers. Instead, the game lets you groom a girl to become the trendiest, most stylin’ woman on the planet. Your Facebook friends become part of your clique; the more you have, the more popular you become. It’s a bit of a shallow premise, but if the party scene is your (Gucci) bag, it’s a lot of fun to play.

Tetris Battle (Puzzle) — Tetris Battle is a multiplayer version of Tetris. It’s all about you, your friend, and an epic struggle over the I-block. Kind of sells itself, really.

Mafia Wars (Role-Playing, Simulation) — No one can argue that Zynga’s Mafia Wars has staying power. Facebook is just the perfect breeding ground for gangsters and mob kings. You whack your enemies for territory, money, and power, and if you’re persuasive enough, your friends will get your back. It’s not as exciting as lunch at TGIF’s with the accounting department, but it’s something.

Zombie Lane (Role-Playing, Simulation) — Zombie Lane is a game about rebuilding your shattered neighborhood in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. After all, someone has to do something about the plummeting property values, and it’s not going to be Herman (he’s dead). You begin the game with a lowly shovel, but you can cobble together weapons more worthy of blasting a zombie through the head. You can also farm food for energy and complete other tasks. Zombie Lane offers a decent variety of gameplay options, which keeps the usual social game task tedium at bay.

Restaurant City (Restaurant Simulation) — In Restaurant City, you start up a restaurant, staff it, serve customers–and your staff, interestingly–and generally keep everyone happy. You can also harvest ingredients and make new dishes to serve. All without gaining a pound.

FarmVille (Farming Simulation) — Despite the availability of better looking and more complex social games, Zynga’s farming sim still commands a pretty huge fanbase. The idea behind FarmVille is to grow crops, visit neighbors, and raise livestock. Pretty basic stuff, but pleasing and addictive nonetheless. There’s just no leaving the farm once you’ve lay down roots.(source:gametheoryonline)