

Facebook is a great tool, but it isn’t without its issues. Anyone can create a Facebook Group for any purpose. While lots of sports teams and clubs use Groups to organize things, there are also Groups that are used to coordinate abuse, sell illegal substances, and generally just violate Facebook’s Terms of Service. If you find one, here’s how to report it to Facebook.

Facebook是一个很棒的工具,但并非没有问题。 任何人都可以出于任何目的创建一个Facebook组。 虽然许多运动队和俱乐部使用小组来组织事物,但也有一些小组用于协调滥用行为,出售非法药物,并且通常只是违反Facebook的服务条款 。 如果找到一个,请按照以下方法向Facebook报告。

Head to the offending Group and click on the three dots. You don’t need to be a member to see them.

前往违规组,然后单击三个点。 您无需成为成员即可看到他们。

From the dropdown, select Report Group.


Select the reason you’re reporting the Group and click Continue.


Facebook will offer you a range of possible actions. To place a report, select Submit to Facebook for Review.

Facebook将为您提供一系列可能的操作。 要提交报告,请选择“提交给Facebook进行审查”。

On mobile, the process is similar. Visit the group. If you are a member tap Info and then Report Group.

在移动设备上,过程与此类似。 参观团体。 如果您是成员,请点击信息,然后点击报告组。

If you ware not a member, tap View Group Info and then Report Group.


You should only report a Group if the whole thing is breaking Facebook’s Terms of Service. If there’s just one or two posts, you can report them individually instead.

如果整个事情都违反了Facebook的服务条款,则只应报告一个组。 如果只有一两个帖子,则可以单独报告 。
